Want To Get Faster Over 10 Metres? Here’s A FREE 6-Week Acceleration Program:
Everyone wants to get faster right? The ability to produce speed quickly from a slow or standing start is essential in football.
The importance of acceleration is fundamental to the success of football players irrespective of position.
According to Faude et al. (2012), players perform an average of 1300 accelerations and decelerations per game.
Another study showed that players reach their maximum speed in less than 3 seconds, Di Salvo et al. (2007).
Program Introduction
Thank you for taking the time to view and use this exercise program.
The following strength and conditioning program has been designed using a holistic approach with exercises Scientifically-proven to develop the following outcome:
Give yourself a confidence score out of 10 (0= not confident, 10= maximum confidence) on where you are with your acceleration (10m sprint distance). At the end of the program, give yourself another score and let me know if it improves!
Over the next 6-weeks, you will be required to be consistent and disciplined if you want to see results.
Aim to have at least 1, if not 2 of these sessions per week.
I appreciate this may be difficult with multiple matchdays per week, so do your best and look to progressively overload each week using the Loading Guidance.
Take pride in your recovery and nail the basics:
Happy training!
Farhan :)
Program Disclaimer
Please remember, it is your responsibility to warm-up efficiently and Go Football Academy takes no responsibility in any injuries that occur during the timeframe of, or after, this exercise program.
The selected exercises must be safely set-up and carried out and the responsibility is on the athlete.
Loading Guidance
Exercise Alternatives
The exercise alternatives are only to be used if athletes are unable to perform an exercise due to equipment/facility limitations.
Please DO NOT select exercises based on preference. Be disciplined and stick to your specific program!
Exercise 1
Back Squat
Feet hip to shoulder-width apart (personal preference)
Toes pointing outwards slightly
Grip on bar tight to create tension and balance the bar (W shape with arms)
Flat back throughout lift
Shoulders back and down (pinch a CD between shoulder blades)
Eyes forward, chin up
Bar path down and up
Hips finishing below knees, chest maintained upright
Bar speed controlled
Exercise 2
Barbell Step-up
Ensure youve got a stable surface to step onto
Use a Fixed barbell if an Olympic barbell is too heavy
The step does not need to be higher than the hip
The barbell should be positioned on the natural shelf of the Trapezius (like for a Back Squat)
Step on with one leg and drive aggressively until full knee extension
At the top of the step-up, your inactive leg should be dangling, NOT on the bench
If you lose your balance on the way up, don’t try to fight it, safely let yourself back down to the floor and restart the rep
Safely step back down with one foot at a time
DO NOT try and jump back down or drop the barbell first
Exercise 3
Cable Hip Flexion
Attach ankle strap attachment to your ankle
Step forward so tension is created on the pulley system
Drive forward aggresively with your leg until 90 degree hip and knee flexion (right angle at both joints)
Hands on hips or mimmick of sprint action is acceptable
Ensure upright posture of upper body and pull through with the knee AND ankle
Exercise 4
Smith Machine Calf Raise
Place step so that the back is just in front of the barbell
Rest the barbell your Trapezius (like a Back Squat)
Unrack the barbell so that you hear the clink of the safety catches hitting the barbell
This ensures the barbell doesn’t accidentally re-rack as you’re lifting
Control the speed on the way down until you reach maximum ankle flexion
When at the bottom, pause slightly and then aggresively extend your ankle until maximum extension
Isolate each rep, DO NOT just go up and down as fast as you can
Pause at bottom, pause at top