Anti-Bullying Policy

At Go Football Academy, we are committed to providing a safe, supportive, and inclusive environment for all players, coaches, staff, and volunteers. Bullying, in any form, is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. This policy outlines our commitment to preventing and addressing bullying within our academy.

This policy is in place to ensure that Go Football Academy remains a positive, safe, and supportive environment for everyone involved. Our commitment is to act decisively and fairly in all cases of bullying, ensuring the well-being of our players and the integrity of our academy.

Definition of Bullying

Bullying is any behaviour that is intended to hurt, harm, or intimidate another person. It can take various forms, including:

Physical: Hitting, kicking, or any form of physical aggression.

Verbal: Name-calling, insults, derogatory remarks or threats.

Emotional: Exclusion, spreading rumours, or deliberately trying to cause distress.

Cyberbullying: Use of digital platforms to harass, threaten, or embarrass someone.


- To ensure all players, coaches, and staff understand what bullying is.

- To prevent bullying through education, awareness, and a positive academy culture.

- To ensure all incidents of bullying are taken seriously, investigated, and dealt with promptly and effectively.

- To support victims of bullying and provide appropriate guidance to those who engage in bullying.


We take proactive steps to prevent bullying, including:

Education and Training: Regular education and training sessions for players, coaches, and staff on recognising and preventing bullying.

Promoting Respect and Inclusion: Emphasising the importance of teamwork, respect, and inclusivity in all our activities.

Open Communication: Encouraging open dialogue between players, coaches and parents. We promote an environment where everyone feels comfortable reporting concerns.

Reporting Bullying

Confidentiality: All reports of bullying will be treated confidentially.

Reporting Channels: Players, parents, or staff can report bullying to any coach or staff member in person or via email. Contact details for reporting will be provided at the time of signing up to any type of the coaching services provided by Go Football Academy.

Anonymous Reporting: If preferred, individuals can report bullying anonymously.

Response to Bullying

Investigation: All reported incidents of bullying will be investigated promptly and thoroughly.

Action: Depending on the severity of the incident, actions may include:

- Mediation between the involved parties.

- Counselling or education for the bully to address their behaviour.

- Disciplinary action, which may include suspension or expulsion from the academy.

- Support: Victims of bullying will receive appropriate support, which may include involvement in decision-making regarding the outcome.


This anti-bullying policy will be reviewed annually to ensure it remains effective and relevant. Feedback from players, parents, and staff will be considered in the review process.

This policy was last updated on 27/08/24.

Contact Information

For any concerns or reports related to bullying, please contact Farhan Kharawala at or 07539 793111.